What the CCFC Did in 2018

on Tuesday, 18 December 2018.

Hello Friends:

We are midway through our 2019 Fundraising Campaign and wanted you to know what we have been involved with throughout the year. We hope you agree the following list is a good reason for your continued support of Concerned Citizens:

  1. We have attended almost all County Commission Meetings in 2018. When appropriate we speak up with facts, concerns and frequently accepted alternatives to the current conversation.
  2. The Association frequently attends Hospital Board Meetings and while listening primarily, frequently asks the tough questions and pushes for accountability and logic in the conversation.We are currently advocating a permanent solution to health care in Franklin County with a proposal on the table from Sacred Heart Health Systems to build and manage a state-of-the-art Medical Mall and a real Emergency Room, plus run and update the two clinics and manage our current EMS system, finally getting the County out of the Health care business that has lost tens of millions of dollars since the County took it over.
  3. The CCFC constantly researches best practices and shares those with County Departments and Constitutional Officers.
  4. The CCFC listens to concerns from County and Hospital employees and citizens at large. We provide advice, information and sometimes get involved in specific issues.
  5. We have demanded (sometimes not successfully) that public meetings be held with decorum and actually listen to the public, be they large or small.
  6. We have visited with the Sheriff, understand his priorities and try to balance all the competing priorities. We have recommended and the Sheriff and County have implemented alternative budget mechanisms.
  7. At budget time, we are there early and often, sometimes incurring the ire of a few Commissioners who don’t like the introspection. Workshops, Adoption Hearings, we are there.
  8. We constantly strive to talk directly to the people, both in person and through these emails and several guest columns or letters to the editor. One of our Board Members disseminates our messages through other routes as well.
  9. We talk with Federal and State representatives who sometimes take our message back to the county through a different path. We have worked with a bevy of State and Federal officials and have had a Special Master appointed at Alligator Point for its hurricane recovery for Alligator Drive.
  10. We built and maintain a website “ABetterFranklin.com” that posts information of interest to the general public including comparisons, notices and other information of value. We also have an active Facebook account.
  11. We reach out through emails such as these on a frequent basis and enjoy receiving feedback from the many people who call, write or spread the word.

There is much more we do over any given year. We were disappointed this year that taxes went up unnecessarily. In 2019, the political winds have changed with the election of Bert Boldt as Commissioner which begins a more balanced Eastern looking vision. We continue to foresee increases in the County Tax Digest going forward. The CCFC is that bulwark against excessive or unwarranted spending.

That brings me down to our pitch. Once a year we go to our members and fellow Franklin County citizens to ask for your financial support. We do a lot with a little but still need your help. Won’t you please help support our efforts in 2019? Without your support, both in numbers and dollars, we are constrained in what we can do and the impact we can make. Please send us whatever you can and know that we will put your dollars to good use.

Thank you for past and continued support. Send us a check today (please write your email address on the check) at the address below while you are still thinking about us. Not a member? No problem, click on... http://www.abetterfranklin.com/index.php/join-ccfc2 Join today. We depend on your support! Membership dues are not tax deductible.

Thank you for your support and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a great New Year’s to all!


Allan J. Feifer
Concerned Citizens of Franklin County, Inc.
P.O. Box 990
Eastpoint, Florida 32328
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(850) 653-5571

“The Concerned Citizens of Franklin County, Inc. serves as a citizens’ advocate to ensure that our Franklin County governments are more open, affordable, efficient, and responsive to our citizens. The organization seeks to hold public officials accountable for their actions in the administration of their duties and in their fiduciary responsibilities to the taxpayers.”

Commissioner Contacts:

Cheryl Sanders - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 697-2534

Chairman-Smokey Parrish - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 653-8790

Commissioner Ricky Jones - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 653-8861

Commissioner Noah Lockley - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 653-4452

Commissioner William Massey - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 653-8861